The Closer You Look; the More You See – New Exhibition at Halcyon Gallery

British female artist, Graceland London, has launched her first solo exhibition at Halcyon Gallery. The artworks are vivid and playful cartoon-like creations, but if you take a close look, you’ll discover elements revealing the darker side of human ego.



⚠️ Free exhibition alert ⚠️ [BLOG POST IN BIO] ‘Graceland London: Spotlight on the Shadows’ at @Halcyon Gallery British female artist unveiled her first solo exhibition at Halcyon Gallery featuring a collection of 30 artworks, including paintings, a nearly life-size polar bear and giant chess pieces 🐻‍❄️♟️ At first glance, Graceland London’s paintings may look like happy, vibrant comic-style artworks, but if you stop for a moment and take a closer look, you’ll discover surprising details 👀 Would dare go down the rabbit hole to discover the dark side of human ego? 🕳️ #contemporaryart #halcyongallery #artexhibition #gracelandlondon #contemporaryartist

♬ Alice in Wonderland – Blasterjaxx & Hard Lights & DJ SODA


Graceland London: Spotlight on the Shadows


Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows at Halcyon Gallery

Photo: Urban Adventurer


British female artist unveiled her first solo exhibition at Halcyon Gallery on the 30th August.


‘Graceland London: Spotlight on the Shadows’ is featuring a collection of 30 artworks that have been created in the past two years, including paintings, a nearly life-size polar bear and giant chess pieces.


Halcyon Gallery - Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows

Photo: Urban Adventurer


  Graceland London is using bold bright colours and cartoon-like features in her artworks while blending tradition and innovation to create a dynamic visual experience.


In her paintings, she uses both acrylic and oil. She applies acrylic paint on the canvas to create a single untextured surface and then she chooses one element to be painted in oil.


In this way, she adds another dimension and depth to the artwork.


The Closer You Look; the More You See


Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows

Photo: Urban Adventurer


At first glance, Graceland London’s paintings may look like happy, vibrant comic-style artworks, but if you stop for a moment and take a closer look, you’ll discover surprising details.


Graceland’s artworks address mental health, addiction, the human ego, conspiracy theories, and mass consumption, all showcased with equal measure of pessimism and humour.


Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows Exhibition at Halcyon Gallery London

Photo: Urban Adventurer 


 Make sure you allow time for yourself to observe each of the artworks because the closer you look, the more you see.


Notice the disturbing presence of the Ghostface in a window in one of her paintings, a man falling out from an airplane in another, and a ‘scary lady’ in a child’s drawing in a third.


Graceland London’s artworks explore the façade we build for the world to see and what’s really behind it.


Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows Exhibition

Photo: Urban Adventurer


The artworks are loaded with symbols. One of which is the egg, which frequently appears in Graceland’s paintings.


Originally, egg is a symbol of new life, un-hatched potentials and renewal. If you take a closer look, however, you realise that the egg is hatched and fried. This means, the potential has been tainted and will never be able to reveal its full potential because of the cruel and evil environment.


Contemporary Art Exhibition - Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows

Photo: Urban Adventurer


Graceland London’s is heavily influenced by historical religious symbolism present in Italian Renaissance, and Flemish art. She also takes inspiration from her frequent trips to the US. She considers those trips as an important influence to her artworks’ aesthetic.


Graceland London exhibited at Art Basel for Miami Art Week in 2019, where she created a 10ft x 10ft interactive room. She contributed to the Best Buddies Charity Organisation, and also has designed artwork for well-known American DJ and music producer DIPLO.


Practical Info 


Graceland London- Spotlight on the Shadows - Contemporary Art Exhibit at Halcyon Gallery London

Photo: Urban Adventurer




Halcyon Gallery | 29 New Bond Street, Mayfair, London, W1S 2RL 


Opening Times

30th August – 6 October 2024

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm

Saturday: 10am – 6pm

Sunday: 11am – 5pm



FREE | NO booking required








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