Female Felons in London History – Herstorical Tours
We all know the story of male criminals in history, such as Jack the Ripper or Captain Kidd. These cases are well-documented, we know all the details of their grisly crimes and the punishment they received.
But what about women? Join Herstorical Tours’ their newest historical walking tour and learn about female criminals in history.
@urbanadventurerldn 🔪 ☠️ Join @herstorical_tours_ for a theatrical walking tour and learn about female criminals in the 18th and 19th centuries of London | Tickets available on their website #herstoricaltours #historicaltour #walkingtourlondon #womeninhistory #historyofwomen #femalecriminals #ameliadyer #historyoflondon #urbanadventures #londonadventures #londonblogger
Gaol Birds of Old London – Wicked Women and Cunning Jades…
Photo: Urban Adventurer
Herstorical Tours offer unusual historical walking tours about women to women (gentlemen are most welcome to join!) to unveil the untold/lesser-known stories of witches, female criminals and harlots in history using acting, drama and comedy.
Gaol Birds of Old London brings you back in time to the 18th and 19th centuries to show crimes committed by women and how they were treated regarding class and race. You’ll catch a glimpse on how the criminal justice system worked at the time and how female criminals were punished and executed or, in some cases, how they managed to get away with what they’d done.
Did you know that at the very spot where there is a nice fountain today in front of Old Bailey Central Criminal Court, gallows stood in the 18th century and criminals – including female criminals – were publicly hanged there?
Photo: Urban Adventurer
Magpie & Stump pub, which is operating in a modern building today right next to the fountain, was a favoured spot by people for watching executions while having a drink or two.
Among others, a 22-year-old female ‘criminal mastermind’ was executed here. You’ll learn her full story – what she did and how she got caught – during the tour.
Photo: Urban Adventurer
You’ll also hear about baby farming operating in the 18th century. Baby farming was a for-profit orphanage usually ran by middle-aged women. These baby farms promised to take custody of unwanted infants or those whose parents were not able to take care of them for a small amount of money. However, baby farmers often did not take good care of the children or even got rid of some of them to make more space for newcomers, thus, earn more money. During the tour, you’ll learn about the famous case of one of the most notorious baby farmers and murderers in British history.
These cases and others from the 18th-19th centuries will help you to get a better view on how female criminals were treated back then and help answer the question: has it changed over the centuries?
Practical Info
Photo: Urban Adventurer
The 1.5-2h tour starts from Old Bailey Criminal Court and guides you through notorious execution scenes and crime scenes. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and shoes because you’ll walk a lot and there is no stop during the tour.
The tour finishes at a local tavern where you’re free to join Maria (the tour guide) to discuss your thoughts about history over a drink or two.
Secure your ticket online on Herstorical Tours website. Hurry up! It’s a small group tour for the better and more immersive experience.
Ready for your next adventure? Make sure you explore other walking tours from Herstorical Tours. ‘Harlots & Strumpets & Tarts, Oh My!’ brings you back in time to the 18th century to the dark and steamy underworld of sex workers.